Call for Submissions: Carina Press

Whilst this call doesn’t specifically mention gay submissions, Carina Press made it clear when they started up last year that they were going to accept and publish GLTBQ titles – so well worth a query.

Copyright Carina Press, Harlequin Enterprises Ltd
Hoop skirts, brocade, feathered headdresses, kid gloves, kid slippers, horses, carriages, talk of locomotion (not Kylie Minogue’s!), Queen Victoria, cowboys, discussion of women’s suffrage, ratafia, corsets, chemises, calling cards, pelisses, peers of the realm, cutthroats, Mary Wollstonecraft, six-shooters, hothouse flowers, wallflowers, parties lit by candles, cowboy hats, bluestockings, hunts, hounds, masquerades, horses, operas and operettas, tours of Italy, grand tours, wars (Napoleonic, Crimean), revolutions (French, Russian)…

Do you love these things? We do, and we want to read more about them—and share them with our readers! Carina Press’s acquisitions team and editors have begged me to find more historical fiction and romance, so I’m putting out the call. If you have a completed historical manuscript, 15,000 words and up, Carina Press would love to see it.

We’re looking for both historical romance and historical fiction (with or without the romance subplot) of any steam level (including none, none at all). Historical Victorian, Regency, Western, turn of the century or whatever other time period you’ve chosen to write in, we’re interested in publishing some amazing historical work. Our submissions guidelines can be found HERE, and we’re working through submissions very quickly, due to the large number of us reading them, so you won’t be waiting until summer (or next year) for an answer!

Clearing up a commonly asked question: What is the difference between Harlequin Historical Undone and Carina Press eBooks? Undone has a very specific word count requirement: 10-15,000. We’re looking for 15,000 up. So the two aren’t competing in any way, because we don’t take less than 15k and they don’t take more than 15k!

Full details here:

3 Responses

  1. I’ve heard that Carina offers very low royalty rates, though. Have to investigate, because I have several historical ideas cooking. 🙂

  2. Slightly lower than most epubs yes, but then the potential for sales might be a lot higher – I don’t know.

    Carina Press: Editor Angela James answers your questions

    “9. Will the royalties be similar to other epublishers (i.e. 35-40%)

    Royalties will be 30% of cover price from direct Carina sales and 15% of cover price from third-party retailers. There is no option clause in the contract and we request a term of seven years.”

  3. Hmmm, I might give them a try, just to see if the hype is justified.

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